Rose Petals- Unconditional Love


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Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love

Rose I was born. 
Given as a gift.
I've burnt you in the fire
In moments of passion.
I've been blinded and seduced
By your beauty.
I've prayed with you
Seen truthfully again through you.

I've drank you
Tasted your fragrance.
I've been adorned by your scent.
Ive worn your garland crown.
I've made spells with you.
I've bathed in bliss with you.
I've painted you.
Ive marked you forever on my skin.
Ive wept with you.
I've Surrendered
to unconditional love with you.
I've learnt compassion through you.

Life would not be same without you , Rose.
Thank you for all the beauty and love you bring.

Rosa spp (centifolia, gallica, _and damascena_ are the most common varieties), Provence Rose, French Rose, Cabbage Rose, Red Rose, and Pink Rose.

The rose has been valued for its beauty and its perfume for thousands of years. Because rose oil deteriorates rapidly with exposure to sun and wind, the content is highest on the first morning when the flower opens. Rose petals picked for distillation are picked manually, day by day, at or just before sunrise.

The ancients produced a wide range of rose products, including rose jam, water, essence, oil, and even rose vinegar. 


Love, Psychic Powers, Love


Rose oil, rose water, ointments, and potpourri. Uses are very numerous and can be administered as a tea, poultice, bath herb, pillow mix, body spray, etc.


Due to Canadian Governmental Compliance Laws for Natural Health Products I am unable at this moment to share the medicinal benefits. 

There have been scientific studies and historical documentation of the health benefits of Rose Petals, should you have a interest to learn more on the medicinal properties of Roses, there is a vast amount of rich information and resources online for you to freely explore.  

If your interested to help change this law please take a moment to fill out this petition:


Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love
Rose Petals- Unconditional Love

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